The bar graph illustrates the strength of (the distribution of) households in the US, on the basis of
their annual income from 2007 to 2015. Overall, the categories with the fewest households each year are
those earning ($)75,000-($)99,999 and ($)50,000-($)74,999, with approximately 15 million and 21 million
households, respectively. The distribution of households in other income ranges varies significantly over the years. -> the strength of 는 어떤 것의 장점이나 강점 또는 힘을 의미하므로 이 글의 문맥상 맞지 않은 단어 선택입니다.
각 가정의 연간 수입이 어떻게 나눠져있는지 보여주는 그래프이므로 the distribution of .. 로 쓰는 것이 더 적절합니다.
또한 통화 기호는 (달러 사인) 그대로 써주셔야합니다.
In 2007, there were 25 million households earning less than ($)25,000 annually, while 27 million households
earned between ($)25,000 and ($)49,999. The highest number of households, about 30 million,
earned over ($)100,000. By 2011, the number of the wealthiest decreased to 27 million, whereas those
earning ($)25,000-($)49,999 increased to 30 million. Households earning less than($) 25,000 saw an
increase to 29 million, nearly matching the ($)25,000-($)49,999 categories.
In 2015, the trend reversed, with households earning over ($)100,000 rising significantly to 33 million.
Conversely, the number of the two lowest earning families slightly declined, each dropping to just under 30 million.
--> Earn 동사와 increase/decrease 단어를 많이 반복하는 것보다는, 고득점을 위해
다양한 단어를 사용해주시면 좋을 것 같습니다.
EX> The number of households with an annual income exceeding $100,000 saw an increase
(earn 대신 exceed)
The number of households experienced a significant rise.
(increase 대신 significant rise)
채점 기준 | TR (Task Response) | CC (Coherence and Cohesion) | LR (Lexical Resource) | GRA (Grammatical Range and Accuracy) | Total |
점수 | 7 | 6 | 7 | 6 | 6.5 |
Comment | 문법적 오류 없이 잘 작성해주신 글입니다. 하지만 그래프에 있는대로 달러 사인($) 은 꼭 같이 써주셔야 하며 그렇지 않을 경우 글의 명확성이 떨어진다고 판단될 수 있습니다. 또한 하늘색으로 하이라이트 친 부분처럼 같은 동사가 많이 반복되면 고득점이 어려울 수 있으니 다양한 단어를 사용하면서 paraphrase 해보시면 좋을 것 같습니다. 수고하셨습니다. |
è The diagram given shows the floor plan of a public library 20 years ago and present.
è Most 앞에는 the 가 와야합니다. (‘One of the most’)
è 문맥상 alternate 라는 단어보다는 replace의 뜻이 가장 적절합니다.
또한 replace는 ‘무엇을 어떤걸로 대체하다’ 라는 의미로 사용할 때 ‘Replace something with something else’ 처럼
with 와 함께 빈번하게 옵니다. 반대로 change 라는 단어가 to 와 자주 사용됩니다.
Another big change is the computer room located where the reading room was. In addition, reading room,
digital material room, tables and chairs that was(were) located in the middle of the library disappeared.
On the other hand, Children’s room is relocated to westside where digital material room used to be.
Moreover two sofas is located like a frame surrounding storytelling events space.
Overall, The(the) library has changed for more than the facility for reading.
The library has lecture room, café, and holds story telling events.
-> 콤마 뒤에 대문자 오지 안도록 주의해주세요!
채점 기준 | TR (Task Response) | CC (Coherence and Cohesion) | LR (Lexical Resource) | GRA (Grammatical Range and Accuracy) | Total |
점수 | 7 | 6 | 6 | 6 | 6.5 |
Comment | 과거와 현재의 다이어그램 비교를 잘 해주셨습니다. 문법적으로는 단수/복수 일치 실수나, one of the most와 같이 자주 사용되는 구 및 단어 뒤에 오는 전치사 등을 잘 사용해주시면 더 좋은 결과 있을 것 같습니다. 수고하셨습니다. |
-> shows라고 사용하는 것이 틀린 것은 아니지만, 이미 위의 그래프에서 'The chart below shows..'라고
-> 이 부분도 틀린 문장은 아니지만, 고득점을 위해서는 앞의 문장과 합쳐서
=> 잘 작성해주셨지만, 콤마 as 다음에는 주어 동사와 함께 완전한 문장이 나오는 것이 일반적입니다.
예시 'In the past, radio was the most frequently used technology, peaking in 1990
In 1980, the amount of computer(s) used
Overall, it is clear that radio was the dominant technology in the past but it decreased.
채점 기준 | TR (Task Response) | CC (Coherence and Cohesion) | LR (Lexical Resource) | GRA (Grammatical Range and Accuracy) | Total |
점수 | 7 | 7 | 6 | 6 | 6.5 |
Comment | 큰 문법적 오류 없이 잘 작성해주셨고,고득점을 위하여 다양한 구문을 이용해보는 연습을 해보시면 더 좋은 결과 있을 것 같습니다. 수고하셨습니다. |
Science has greatly transformed human history and our environment. It is evident that,
thanks to science, human life has significantly improved.
Therefore(,) some people believe that the most important value of science is to make people’s lives better.
However, I will argue that despite this advantage, science should not just focus on human-centered
development because it can also threaten the sustainability of human lives.
Undoubtedly, science has enhanced the understanding of the world, catalyzing remarkable progress
in technology or the medical field. People could solve the critical problem such as food scarcity
and control of pests and diseases. The consequence is that their life expectancy has been expanded
(have increased) and the quality of lives has also been improved(have improved).
-> 문맥상, 현재완료 수동태보다는 'life expectancy has increased and the quality of life has also improved' 인
현재완료로 사용하는 것이 더 적절한 것 같습니다.
As for me, I benefit daily from the high-technology like Internet and electronic devices,
which have brought convenience and communication to a world (the world).
-> world 는 관사 the 와 함께 쓰입니다. 이 경우에 to the world 대신에 worldwide 단어로 대체 가능합니다.
However, the pursuit of technological developments comes to at expense of the environment.
The current world-wide issues like abnormal climate change and emergence of new kinds of
diseases are the result of human-centered usage of science. Admittedly, as science helped people
overcome their food problem by progress in agriculture, the whole biodiversity drastically declined.
Scientists warn that these phenomena would cause loss of sustainability of human lives in the long term
Therefore, I believe that science should aim to improve and sustain the entire ecosystem, not just humans.
Given the severity of environmental challenges like pollution and global warming,
the scientific effort should be to recover these situations. For instance, research dedicated to
preserving endangered species and recovering their numbers and diversity is the urgent work for
maintaining ecological balance.
-> 하이라이트 친 부분들이 틀린 표현들은 전혀 아니지만, 에세이를 작성할 때 'like' 이라는 표현보다는
'such as' 와 같이 조금 더 포멀한 표현을 많이 사용합니다. 또한 더 높은 고득점을 위하여 'numbers' 보다는
조금 더 명확하게 지칭하는 단어인 'populations' . 마지막으로 the urgent work 도 좋지만 crucial 이라는
형용사를 사용하여 주장을 피력해보는 것도 좋을 것 같습니다.
In conclusion, despite the undeniable benefits of science on human lives, the people should acknowledge
its adverse effects to (on) the whole surrounding world. The future scientific endeavor(s)
should be strive not only develop but also ensure the sustainability of the whole life of earth.
-> 'should not only strive to develop but also ensure the sustainability of all life on Earth.'
not only와 but also 위치 확인
채점 기준 | TR (Task Response) | CC (Coherence and Cohesion) | LR (Lexical Resource) | GRA (Grammatical Range and Accuracy) | Total |
점수 | 7 | 7 | 7 | 7 | 7 |
Comment | 다양한 어휘와 문장구조를 사용하시고 각 문단마다 말하고자 하는 주장이 명확하여 충분히 고득점을 할 수 있는 글인 것 같습니다. 다만 앞부분에서는 연결사와 콤마 사용에 주의해주시고, 관사 (the world, people) 및 전치사 사용을 더 잘 해주시면 더 좋은 결과 얻을 수 있을 것 같습니다. 문법적으로 크게 틀린 부분들은 없어서, 조금 더 좋은 표현 등을 피드백으로 드리려고 하였으니 도움이 되셨길 바랍니다 :) |
Many people argue that working for a part-time job is helpful for university students.
=>I agree, to a large amount, about that statement. -> 이런 경우에는 콤마로 나누지 않고
"I largely agree with this statement." 로 작성해주시는 것이 더 깔끔할 것 같습니다.
아니면 맨 처음 문장에 붙여서 "... ,which I largely agree with this statement" 로 써주셔도 좋을 것 같습니다!
Part-time job(s) can suggest many social experiences to the students.
First, it would teach them to have responsibility for being adults in various ways.
(would teach 라고 쓰는 것이 틀린 것은 전혀 아니지만, 에세이를 작성하는 경우에는
자신이 말하고자 하는 주장을 더 확실히 하기 위해 would 와 같이 ~할 수 도 있다라는
표현보다는 그냥 직접적으로 would 를 제외하고 'teach'라고 써주시면 더 좋을 것 같습니다)
For example, my friends and I met all kinds of people while working in a restaurant and
faced embarrassing circumstances. Then, we could (위에랑 동일) learn how to approach
wisely in bad situations, or the way to solve the issue with strict customers.
Actually, in that process, we felt a significant mindset growth.
--> ('We developed a significant mindset growth' 가 더 명확하고 영어적 표현입니다)
I believe that life lessons through hardship are more valuable for students than any other things.
(-> 고득점을 위해서는 other things 같은 단어보다는 더 명확하게 풀어서 지칭해주면 좋을 것 같습니다.
이런 경우에 other things 대신 'educational lessons' 등을 사용할 수 있겠습니다.)
In this regard, those times could become a great cornerstone to our future employment and social role. Furthermore, students can directly learn how precious the money is, and how to set their budget.
In fact, I don’t overspend my own budget, after I had a part-time restaurant job.
Through working hard for a long time, I really appreciated my parents for supporting me
and felt how difficult earning money is. Secondly, students can have more opportunities
because their available spending range is extended. They can invest in stocks, deposit income,
or travel to other countries. I think these students with diverse experience(s) will advance more
than someone who just keeps academic activities only.
In conclusion, even though independently earning money as a student can be difficult,
it is clear that this can lead students to have responsibility, good spending habits, and a healthy mind. Also additional funds available for students to do what they really want.
(Also도 좋지만 moreover 이라는 표현이 전체적인 문장에 더 잘 어울릴 것 같습니다 :) )
For this reason, I strongly believe that working a part-time job is good for college students.
채점 기준 | TR (Task Response) | CC (Coherence and Cohesion) | LR (Lexical Resource) | GRA (Grammatical Range and Accuracy) | Total |
점수 | 7 | 7 | 7 | 7 | 7 |
Comment | 말하고자 하는 주장이 정확하고, 개인의 경험을 잘 곁들여 작성한 부분이 좋았습니다. 문법적인 오류도 크게 보이지 않아서 전체적으로 팁을 드리려고 했는데 도움이 되었으면 좋겠습니다! 수고하셨습니다~ |
Recently, the influx of people moving to cities has been the subject of heated debate. Some people assert that the decline of rural populations is a negative development, while others argue otherwise. And I wholeheartedly agree with the former stand. In the following essay, both views will be discussed before a conclusion is reached with my opinion.
On the one hand, those who claim the idea that increase in urban populations is a positive development do so for several reasons. Proponents of this argument insist that if more people gather in cities, it will provide more opportunities for young people to be employed in various sectors. As a result, cities can become more developed and improved. Another argument is that rapid development in cities can help the country gain a competitive edge in the world.
My opinion, however, is that the benefits of remaining keeping rural population are more significant. Perhaps the most pressing problem is that as population in the countryside decreases, there are would be fewer chances to refine rural society. To be more specific, because only old people will remain in the countryside, while young people move to cities, it can halt fundamental developments. Another grave issue is that as many areas will become neglected, so the agriculture and livestock industries might could fail. To combat these problems, governments should give equal attention to rural areas, launching campaigns to raise public awareness.
In conclusion, it is undeniable that there are a variety of opinions about this topic. However, after considering this matter in a careful manner, I fully support the view that retaining population in the countryside is crucial.
채점 기준 | TR (Task Response) | CC (Coherence and Cohesion) | LR (Lexical Resource) | GRA (Grammatical Range and Accuracy) | Total |
점수 | 7 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 6.5 |
Comment | 주어진 제시문의 의도를 정확히 이해하고 이에 성실히 답변해주신 좋은 글 작성해주셨습니다. 각 측면을 비교한 후 해당 주제에 대한 글쓴이의 견해를 체계적으로 제시해주신 점은 좋지만 문법적으로 그 표현이 어색한 부분들이 보이고 있으므로 이에 유의해 주시기 바랍니다. 수고하셨습니다. |
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