The argument depends on the assumption that
A. at least
some imperfect pastries were baked during the day shift at Acme Bakery
last week
B. not all of
the pastries that the night-shift quality control inspectors judged to be imperfect were in fact imperfect
C. the
night-shift quality control inspectors received more training in quality
control procedures than did the
day-shift quality control inspectors
D. in a
normal week, fewer than six percent of the pastries baked during the night
shift at Acme Bakery are found to be imperfect
E. there are
only two shifts per day at Acme Bakery, a day shift and a night shift
정답이 A라고 나와 있는데, b가 아닐까라고 계속 생각이 듭니다.
day shift에서 imperfect가 안나왔는데 답에선 imperfect가 dayshift에도 나왔다고 하니까, 앞뒤가 안맞는거 아닌가요 ㅠ.